Technical Manuals
A variety of technical manuals and plans are available to clients based on regulatory or local requirements. Their design and development incorporate our company’s fundamentals such as simplicity, user friendliness, visualization, good seamanship and best practices. Contact us for the below manuals to learn how we can help you. We offer:
- ISPS code technical manuals
- SOLAS technical manuals
- MARPOL technical manuals
- Technical manuals required by local regulations
- Ballast Convention technical manuals
An indicative list of manuals is the Ship Security Plan and Assessment, SOPEP/PC SOPEP, Garbage Plan, Ballast Management, Life Saving & Fire Fighting Plan, Mooring & Lines Management Plan, Vector Management Plan, Single Plastic use Manual, Biofouling Management Plan, Vessel General Permit, VOC Management Plan, STS operations Plan, Ship Energy Efficient Management Plan (SEEMP), Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP) etc.