Human ELement Maritime Enhancement Tool
Compliance & Human Element Monitoring Program
PAS, in cooperation with academia (risk assessment experts) has designed the Human ELement Maritime Enhancement Tool (H.EL.M.E.T.), an efficient risk based continuous compliance and HE competency program, which introduces the appreciation of a system-focused view, in which the interrelationships of people, processes, awareness, decisions and organizational actions are all assessed. It incorporates:
- Gap analysis
- Compliance with industry’s standards
- Office and fleet human-centered risk assessments
- Risk & non-conformance rectification in situ
- Training on the job
- FPI, CPI, SBP safety indexes
Contrary to the conventional audits where there is no interrelation and connection between fleet condition and onshore management, the H.EL.M.E.T. methodology was designed to assist (initially the dry sector) in identifying the current safety status by combining performance onboard and on shore, represented through the numerical Safety Business Profile.
It focuses on the early identification of unfolding risks, present in the fleet operation and onshore management that escaped attention. The magnifying glass is focused on the foundation of the pyramid of incidents – long before the appearance of near misses - aiming at detecting the root cause of unsafe acts, competency, conditions and risky decisions, by examining the effect of the human element in fleet condition, operations and management.
It focuses on the early identification of unfolding risks, present in the fleet operation and onshore management that escaped attention. The magnifying glass is focused on the foundation of the pyramid of incidents – long before the appearance of near misses - aiming at detecting the root cause of unsafe acts, competency, conditions and risky decisions, by examining the effect of the human element in fleet condition, operations and management.

By following the theory of the 4-step evolvement, the target for H.EL.M.E.T. is to identify unsafe acts, conditions and practices, sometimes inherited, which have slipped attention, while at the same time, it helps in their isolation and elimination by placing the right controls to maintain the risk profile in reasonable and acceptable limits, constituting a unique assessment tool.
Unsafe acts and condition mean actions, decisions and conditions which are against best practices and may be the catalysts to accidents, penalties, detentions, ship rejection and bad reputation.
Unsafe acts and condition mean actions, decisions and conditions which are against best practices and may be the catalysts to accidents, penalties, detentions, ship rejection and bad reputation.

HELMET is based on a triangular proactive methodology, revolving around a drill-down approach and a universal list of elements suitable for fleet and onshore human-centric risk assessment. It introduces Key Risk Indicators (KRIs), a new risk detection approach based on expert experience and input, best practices, and analysis of past data that complement the industry’s well known KPIs.

Based on the methodology, the system (vessel and ship operator) is divided into 12 elements which are assessed individually by applying pre-set weights. Categories whose critical elements are pre-determined and assessed individually by applying pre-set weights. Each element under each category is assessed for its status and based on its rating, the risk factor of the subject category is calculated. Adoption also safeguards against the impact of future risk assessment requirements, ensuring that shipping companies are supporting employees in taking the right decisions at the right time.
PAS has also initiated the HELMET Committee (HELMET-com) which is comprised of 19 maritime safety heavyweights from across the world, including experts representing international organizations, the industry and academia, specializing in risk assessment, communications and management system standards. Meeting annually and interacting throughout the year, the aim of the Committee is to enhance and improve H.EL.M.E.T. and ultimately to re-establish a genuine, industry-wide commitment to a “safe business culture”. Chairman of HELMET-com is Captain Panagiotis Nikiteas from MARAN Dry (ANGELICOUSSIS GROUP).

It is suitable for shipping companies who wish to continuously monitor their Safe Business Profile, in real time, in terms of compliance and effective implementation of best practices on board and ashore.
It is in line with BIMCO charter party clause for risk assessment and vetting inspections whilst the calculated Organization Safe Business Profile (SBP) can be presented for:
- Ensuring alignment with DryBMS excellence
- Reputation purposes
- As a competitive advantage to promote a safe business profile
- As quality assurance for placement of more ships under management
- For potential better loan terms, charter parties or premiums in the future
To third parties (charterers, bankers, insurers etc.) asking for company’s safety status evaluation.